
When my son got flu for 2 days we took him to take a laboratory test for CBC (Complete Blood Count). He got low red blood cells, and his pedia recommended Eurofer iron.

I like this product because it doesn't stain the teeth of my son and he got well immediately with just one bottle. It is expensive but worth it for my son. His pedia recommended to take it for 3 months. Oh well might as well follow it. Mommies can also try the ferlin syrup too, but if you want fast enough, then this one will do it.

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GNLD NeoLifeShake

GNLD NeoLifeShake has 2 flavors available here in the Philippines, Chocolate and vanilla. I tried also this one, but the vanilla flavor and its yummy. GNLD NeoLifeShake as it says it suppress hunger, Through this I am not craving for sweets because of its glycemic response is controlled. As you can see on the chart below

This is also good for your children. The cons of this is too expensive, but its worth it for your health.

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GR2 Control Meal Replacement

Has anyone of you experience being fat? I have. After the birth of my baby, I gain too much weight. I can't control myself eating. I do also have midnight snacks, just can't get it enough.

I have heard GR2 Control Meal Replacement before and I am not sure if its really effective. So out of my curiosity I bought one. Then boom... 2 weeks on it, just its protein shake, I lost 5 kg, and still maintaining it. Wow. Good product.

It is really complete meal with all the essential nutrients and it is only 120 calories. Each serving is a delicious and complete low calorie meal that contains essential vitamins and minerals and provides all 22 amino acids critical for human nutrition. I am just taking this for my lunch and I have a full meal on breakfast and dinner and still maintaining my weight. 

I thought this was only applicable to American people but I am a Filipino so it is applicable also. Try it. 

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