Neolife Acidophilus

Neolife Acidophilus regulates intestinal activity, supports immune system and promotes colon health. The serving size for this is 2 capsules to get the 5 billion lactobacilli in the form of Lactobacillus acidophilus, bulgaricus and casei, plus B. bifidum and S. thermophilus.

I discovered this product after getting amoebiasis when me and my family traveled to Zamboanga. Due to that my immune system is down and search for a supplement that will boost up my immune system. I got cough and easily gets colds. Thank God through my mentor at Neolife she introduces me to this product. I was curious about it too, but tried it. Truly it gave my immune system a boost again.

You should try it too.

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When my son got flu for 2 days we took him to take a laboratory test for CBC (Complete Blood Count). He got low red blood cells, and his pedia recommended Eurofer iron.

I like this product because it doesn't stain the teeth of my son and he got well immediately with just one bottle. It is expensive but worth it for my son. His pedia recommended to take it for 3 months. Oh well might as well follow it. Mommies can also try the ferlin syrup too, but if you want fast enough, then this one will do it.

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GNLD NeoLifeShake

GNLD NeoLifeShake has 2 flavors available here in the Philippines, Chocolate and vanilla. I tried also this one, but the vanilla flavor and its yummy. GNLD NeoLifeShake as it says it suppress hunger, Through this I am not craving for sweets because of its glycemic response is controlled. As you can see on the chart below

This is also good for your children. The cons of this is too expensive, but its worth it for your health.

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GR2 Control Meal Replacement

Has anyone of you experience being fat? I have. After the birth of my baby, I gain too much weight. I can't control myself eating. I do also have midnight snacks, just can't get it enough.

I have heard GR2 Control Meal Replacement before and I am not sure if its really effective. So out of my curiosity I bought one. Then boom... 2 weeks on it, just its protein shake, I lost 5 kg, and still maintaining it. Wow. Good product.

It is really complete meal with all the essential nutrients and it is only 120 calories. Each serving is a delicious and complete low calorie meal that contains essential vitamins and minerals and provides all 22 amino acids critical for human nutrition. I am just taking this for my lunch and I have a full meal on breakfast and dinner and still maintaining my weight. 

I thought this was only applicable to American people but I am a Filipino so it is applicable also. Try it. 

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White Flower

Do you still remember white flower? This is still very effective on headache, dizziness, motion sickness, muscle pain, insect bites, common colds and stuffy nose and soothes through aromatherapy. Even though this is already way back 1927, still effective though. 

If you have any symptoms above you should try this one

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Multi-Vitamin For Kids

When I was pregnant with my son, the doctor advises me to take vitamins that are not synthetic. So when I gave birth to my son my goal is to have him a vitamin that is not synthetic. Since 6 months old of my son, I have been given him GNLD Vita-Squares.

I have researched about this product, no lead, but all are beyond organic. This is not synthetic at all, and my son loves the taste. It is already complete vitamins and minerals except that when you have a 1-3 years old child you need iron that is 7mg, so for this, my son is 2 years old, I'm giving him 4 tablets of VIta-Squares to supplement the iron. 

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Nature's Plus Animal Parade Kid Greenz

Are you having a hard time on letting your kids eat vegetables? Me too, I am also having a hard time on letting my kid eat vegetables. So in search again for it, I saw this on healthy options store, Nature's Plus Animal Parade Kid Greenz.

This is best supplement of your child don't want to eat vegetables. Animal Parade KidGreenz supplies a precisely calibrated blend of green vegetables and oceanic superfoods. With this, kids get the health benefits of high energy, phytonutrient-rich green superfoods from land and sea in delicious chewable tablets. It is packed with broccoli, spinach, spirulina, chlorella, kelp and other nutritional powerhouses that are usually absent from kids' diets. It is also has lactic flora growth accelerants help to support the healthy intestinal environment that's critical to kids' overall health and well being.

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Katialis for Dark Underarm

This is not a supplement but I want to share an experience about this ointment. It is mainly for prickly heat, eczema, dandruff, pimples, ringworm, tinea flava, underarm odor, athlete's foot, external hemorrhoids and insect bites. At first I don't believe that this ointment really whitens underarm, but only the underarm odor. As I have researched and the reviews of this product where outstanding, I'd give it a try.

This is Katialis ointment.

I had a really bad underarm odor, so I tried using this. It really works for me, but after two weeks of using it, my skin in my underarm goes smooth, then a month, I noticed that my armpits are having fair skin and blending with my original skin color. This product is great and no harmful ingredients included. I recommended this to my friends as well. 

This is also good for toddler's insect bites. I uses this when my child has it and the itch will be gone. It is very safe for them.

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DHA for Kids

DHA is very important to one's child brain development, it is recommended that every food that your child eats has this. So since 2 years old my baby stops drinking formula milk, and we know that formula milk has this kind of supplement too, so I have to get her the alternatives for this. DHA supplement which I have searching it also and found this on healthy options.

It is also good because my child can chew vitamins so this is best for my toddler. This is around 1000 plus, and 120 chewable softgels. 

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Chelated Cal-Mag

"Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthy diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later life. Calcium and magnesium, necessary for strong bones and teeth, are also critical for cardiovascular health, nerve and muscle function and many enzyme reactions."-GNLD Chelated Cal-Mag

When I was pregnant, my ObGyne also recommended me to take calcium supplement instead of drinking milk for pregnancy. I let you in a secret, doctors who recommends you to drink milk for pregnancy, it will make the baby big and will let you undergo C-Section and your bill is higher. Actually my doctor told me that, so I was thankful she became my doctor.

This calcium supplement is GNLD Chelated Cal-Mag. It is calcium-magnesium with amino acid Glycine and Vitamin D. My doctor didn't recommend me the ones that are bought from the drug stores because it is synthetic. It is recommended 3 tablets will be taken. After my pregnancy I am still taking it, and it is the best calcium-magnesium supplement for me.

Do you remember that I have posted about Nature's Plus Calcium Supplement for kids? That it gives 250mg of calcium for 2 tablets? Since 1-3 years old needs 500mg per day calcium supplement, then this is the other supplement for them to meet their calcium needs. My doctor also recommends it for children, just crushed the tablet and put it into their food. Hope through this I have helped you supply your children's need for calcium if you are having a hard time on letting your child drinks milk.

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Calcium For Toddlers

Has anyone of you having a hard time to let your toddler drink milk? Milk is very important for which it provides calcium for your bones and teeth. But guess what, I have learned and my ObGyne told me that milk is dangerous to your health. She is a drink milker in her whole life but when she studied about it and doing research about milk, she quits drinking milk, and advises me that as early as my baby grows up make her stop drinking milk.

Have you ever wondered that after drinking milk later on it will make you hungry again? I have and my toddler also experiences it.

So it is okay for a toddler to stop drinking milk already. Here's where the supplements coming in. There are lots of calcium supplements out there, and I have searched all stores except the pharmacies or drug stores because they are giving synthetic medicines or supplements, I have bought this to my toddler from healthy options...

It gives my toddler 250mg of calcium and magnesium.. As I have also researched toddlers, 1-3 years old needs 500mg of calcium per day. I gave my toddler 2 tablets of this everyday and the taste? It is yummy... He loves it.

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Formula IV

Happy New Year 2016 Everyone. I started this blog to share some of my quest on vitamin supplements.

I am not a doctor. I am only a civilian who mostly got sick all the time. All of us don't want to get sick right? I have tried many vitamins already mostly synthetic vitamins. I thought they were good for my body until I became pregnant. My ObGyne told me that I should take vitamins that are not synthetic, she recommended me a multi-vitamin that already has iron and folic acid. This is called Formula IV. I am not en endorser of this product but a big fan and want to share it to other mommies out there. My mom take this too she's already 60 and still kicking like a teenager because of this.

Take the capsule one times a day only, and this bottle has 120 capsules in it, good for 4 months consumption.

It has Vitamin A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Niacinamide, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Copper, Pantothenic acid, Chromium, Rice Bran Extract, Linoleic acid, soya bean extract, wheat germ extract, lecithin, and soya protein.

After my pregnancy, I continued using it, I feel great all the time. It is beyond organic and backed by science, most doctors are already recommending it.

This is just my opinion. I am just giving you options

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