Calcium For Toddlers

Has anyone of you having a hard time to let your toddler drink milk? Milk is very important for which it provides calcium for your bones and teeth. But guess what, I have learned and my ObGyne told me that milk is dangerous to your health. She is a drink milker in her whole life but when she studied about it and doing research about milk, she quits drinking milk, and advises me that as early as my baby grows up make her stop drinking milk.

Have you ever wondered that after drinking milk later on it will make you hungry again? I have and my toddler also experiences it.

So it is okay for a toddler to stop drinking milk already. Here's where the supplements coming in. There are lots of calcium supplements out there, and I have searched all stores except the pharmacies or drug stores because they are giving synthetic medicines or supplements, I have bought this to my toddler from healthy options...

It gives my toddler 250mg of calcium and magnesium.. As I have also researched toddlers, 1-3 years old needs 500mg of calcium per day. I gave my toddler 2 tablets of this everyday and the taste? It is yummy... He loves it.

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